Just a small town girl

Don't stop believin'-Journey

Monday, June 21, 2010


This past weekend I went to Arcadia. It's kind of amazing! :) I went with my friend who has been going there forever, so she knew where everthing was, lucky me. We did a lot of cool things, like go to the beach, bike around town, spin on the merry go round, uhhhh told jokes. Those were pretty interesting. the last day another one of Rachaels friends came up. We went to the beach with them. We played all sorts of games in the water, like bulldog and freeze tag. I was pretty good at freeze tag because I went out in the cold water where no one wanted to go :) it really wasnt that bad, just have to get used to it. Then we did this little snorting thing to the tune of Jesus Loves Me. It was HILARIOUS!! and I was majorly sunburned :/. Oh we also played mash with cards and rachael finally married some one other than Ike! haha she married gerard butler and daniel craig most of the time. Then I played, oh that was interesting. I had to marry this gross guy from my school, his name is tony....I hate him....then I married Channing Tatum :) it was fun. yeah that weekend was AWESOME and I hope to go back soon :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kickball? At School?

Yes, we did play kickball at school, during 3rd hour band :) We played against the orchestra, they cheated though. There for we lost. It was 7 to 5. They cheated because they played the same good players over again and hardly let anyone substitute even if they wanted to. They also had a good player who wasn't even in orchestra! So we declared a rematch. Later this week probably, but they get to have that same player, but we had our conditions, we get our seniors :) That should help quite a bit, I hope. Otherwise it was really fun. I played out field and was a pitcher once. I kicked once but got out at first. They got lucky. When I was in the outfield I didn't have to do anything because no one kicked it my way, I was left field. When I pitcher I was beast. I had really good pitches and I caught a pop up. My friend, who likes to make fun of my: jokingly though, thought i wasn't going to catch it so he ran up behind me to make sure I got it, I did, but i didn't notice he was there so he told me that after the game. I'm not that bad a kickball, i wouldn't have dropped that or else I would call myself a fool, haha. Another one of my friends was also beast. She caught 3 in the outfield! All kicked by good players :) All in all, it was a good day. :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I went to my friends sweet 16 birthday party last night and we went to see Killers. First of all...Ashton Kutcher IS SO FREAKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! No joke he is smokin' in that movie. The storyline is fantastic and I suggest everyone go see it. Even if you don't like Ashton go see it because it's so funny and action filled so there for it's the perfect combination. :) Well its about Spencer(Ashton) a secret agent who tries to end his career to marry Jen(Katherine Heigl). They get married and during there 3rd year some of their friends start attacking Spencer. Spencer realizes there's a $20 million reward for whoever kills him. He soon realizes it's Jen's dad sending these people after him. Then it all gets solved. It's very hard to explain so just go see it. Oh and Usher is in it. haha

"What does 2 bars mean?"-Spencer

"Spread your legs" "your not getting off that easy" later in the movie "spread your legs" "again? how much do you have down there?"- Between Spencer and Jen

Friday, June 4, 2010

Being Sick

I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!! I have been sick for the past 2 days and I'm getting really annoyed with it. I can acually say i would rather be at school than be sick, most of the time that is. Right now i don't mind so much because I'm feeling tons better and i have a good book to read so that keeps me busy. I better be okay by tomorrow because I am going to my friends party and I don't want to be to sick to go, well I'm going anyways but i just don't want to feel poopy. That's pretty much it about being sick. It sucks.

Do Teenagers Really Care About Politics?

Most of the time no, but this one does. I have pretty much have followed since Obama was up for election. Why? Some may ask. Well, to tell you the complete truth, he sucks. He promised within a year of him being president that he would have the soldiers out of Iraq, I'm pretty sure they are still there fighting. I know people fighting in the war and I'd like to see them come home. I know everyone else out there probably knows (maybe not personally) someone fighting in Iraq, or training to do so. He also has screwed up health care. Yeah some people really do need it and can't have it but it doesn't mean 'We the people of the United States' want to pay for it. Yeah that's correct, everyone of you that has an average income will be paying for someone else's health care. I don't want to pay for some unhealthy bum who couldn't take care of themselves to be taken care of. Another thing about the health care is that most Americans didn't want this bill to be a law. But what happened anyways? He passed it! Like i said before "We the people of the United States" not 'Obama the person of the United states.' Sorry Obama if you want total control that isn't found in America, we aren't communist, we've fought against it! Then this whole thing with Arizona passing there law about checking for illegal mexicans in the country. Personally, I'm all for it. But no, Obama has to meet with the President of Mexico and bash our country, yes bash it as in criticize it, with their president. Last time i checked I'm pretty sure you shouldn't do that especially when you're the president. That seems unamerican. Another thing was at first Obama wasn't going to go to Arlington Cemetary for the Memorial Day service, nope, he was going to go to Chicago and have fun with his family. First of all, almost everyone should honor the veterans and those now serving. And 2nd of all the president should set an example to the rest of us and give up something for our country, like the soldiers do everyday. As I said before, maybe he thinks this is his country, he can do whatever he wants. FALSE!!!!! But in the end he went to the service, good Obama. I gave up something fun for the memorial day service where I live. I'm in the marching band at my highschool, well drumline to be exact. Don't get me wrong it's fun. But for the parade we had to wear full uniform, that's like wearing a winter coat and snowpants. It was 90 degrees F outside. We were sweating like crazy, and we all felt sick from the heat. Some passed out. We had to march and stand in it. I carry a 30ish pound drum (quints/tenors) so that's a pretty big workout in itself, add the heat and you have one heck of a workout. See Obama you aren't the only one that has to give up something for that. And truthfully I'm glad i marched and honored our soldiers.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pleasing or not?

A couple of weeks ago my brother was telling me about this guy at his work. This guy was saying that screamo music s demonic or completly the opposite of God. In some cases it is like death metal screamo is but average screamo like Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, and especially As I Lay Dying are not. Acually As I Lay Dying is a group of 5 christians. They don't sing completely christian music but they dont say any swear words or anything demonic in their songs, the only bad thing is you can hardly understand what they are saying :) haha. Anyways, this guy goes off on how te only music pleasing to God is church hymns. Personally if i had to listen to church hymns all the time i would cry. They are very boring and have no enjoyment in them. But my brother asked the question, "what if it's a band that sings christian music but in the form of screamo?" The guy answers "No, no thats not pleasing to God at all!" The thing
I don't understand is what that's not pleasing to God, its still praising him, am i right? It still is God rejoicing lyrics but in screamo. I agree with my brother on this, they just express themselfs differently than most else. TobyMac is a perfect example, some of his songs having screaming and others are rap, they still rejoice God, and he's really popular in the christian music world. FamilyForce5, Skillet, and Underoath are some other examples. I just hope that guy doesn't freak people out by saying there not going to Heaven unless they listen to only church hymns. Pretty sure thats not only on God's guidelines to Heaven.

My all time favorite band!!! :)