Just a small town girl

Don't stop believin'-Journey

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pleasing or not?

A couple of weeks ago my brother was telling me about this guy at his work. This guy was saying that screamo music s demonic or completly the opposite of God. In some cases it is like death metal screamo is but average screamo like Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, and especially As I Lay Dying are not. Acually As I Lay Dying is a group of 5 christians. They don't sing completely christian music but they dont say any swear words or anything demonic in their songs, the only bad thing is you can hardly understand what they are saying :) haha. Anyways, this guy goes off on how te only music pleasing to God is church hymns. Personally if i had to listen to church hymns all the time i would cry. They are very boring and have no enjoyment in them. But my brother asked the question, "what if it's a band that sings christian music but in the form of screamo?" The guy answers "No, no thats not pleasing to God at all!" The thing
I don't understand is what that's not pleasing to God, its still praising him, am i right? It still is God rejoicing lyrics but in screamo. I agree with my brother on this, they just express themselfs differently than most else. TobyMac is a perfect example, some of his songs having screaming and others are rap, they still rejoice God, and he's really popular in the christian music world. FamilyForce5, Skillet, and Underoath are some other examples. I just hope that guy doesn't freak people out by saying there not going to Heaven unless they listen to only church hymns. Pretty sure thats not only on God's guidelines to Heaven.

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