Just a small town girl

Don't stop believin'-Journey

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kickball? At School?

Yes, we did play kickball at school, during 3rd hour band :) We played against the orchestra, they cheated though. There for we lost. It was 7 to 5. They cheated because they played the same good players over again and hardly let anyone substitute even if they wanted to. They also had a good player who wasn't even in orchestra! So we declared a rematch. Later this week probably, but they get to have that same player, but we had our conditions, we get our seniors :) That should help quite a bit, I hope. Otherwise it was really fun. I played out field and was a pitcher once. I kicked once but got out at first. They got lucky. When I was in the outfield I didn't have to do anything because no one kicked it my way, I was left field. When I pitcher I was beast. I had really good pitches and I caught a pop up. My friend, who likes to make fun of my: jokingly though, thought i wasn't going to catch it so he ran up behind me to make sure I got it, I did, but i didn't notice he was there so he told me that after the game. I'm not that bad a kickball, i wouldn't have dropped that or else I would call myself a fool, haha. Another one of my friends was also beast. She caught 3 in the outfield! All kicked by good players :) All in all, it was a good day. :D